
London - Harrods Brompton Rd.

MIPS: 607

We are delighted to welcome you into our boutique to enjoy browsing our collections.

We highly recommend booking an appointment with a ayx & Co. boutique team member prior to your visit.

We are delighted to offer jewellery cleaning service for your ayx jewellery in our store Monday to Friday, subject to availability. Booking an appointment prior to your visit is recommended to reduce waiting time.

Monday – Saturday: 10:00 – 21:00
Sunday: 12:00 – 18:00

(020) 7730 1234


  • Watch Repair & Sales
  • Personal Shopping
  • Jewelry Cleaning & Repair
  • Online Appointment Booking


  • Watch Repair & Sales
  • Personal Shopping
  • Jewelry Cleaning & Repair
  • Online Appointment Booking
ayx & Co. Harrods Blue Box Cafe

The ayx Blue Box Cafe(Harrods 百货店)

我们诚邀您来体验我们位于 Harrods 百货店内的 The ayx Blue Box Cafe,该全然一新的咖啡馆精彩呈现蒂芙尼品牌独具特色的创新巧思。
